Wholesale Information
Looking to carry locally made beverages in your business and buy wholesale? We service all industries including;
- Coffee Shops
- Breweries
- Restaurants
- Local Grocery Stores
- Office buildings and Office Spaces
- Apartment Building
- Spas
- Locally owned businesses
Why carry beverages on tap or by bottle?
- If you are a coffee shop, brewery or restaurant this gives you an healthy option of locally made products other than soda, coffee, tea or beer increasing your average sale.
- If you are an office, office or apartment building or locally owned business providing your customers and employees is a great way for them to feel at home.
We offer the following sizes
- 12 oz. bottles (Switching to cans in the next couple of months)
- 32 oz. returnable bottles
- 1/6 BBL Kegs "Sixtels" (5 Gallons)
- 1/2 BBL Kegs "Half Barrel Kegs" (15.5 Gallons)